Acupuncture is a primary treatment modality in the Oriental Medical system. When very fine needles are inserted into specific points on your body, they use the body's natural vital energy (qi) to restructure balance and allow smooth flow of the qi through the meridian system. Through thousands of years of empirical research, individual points are shown to affect the internal organs, treat a specific region of the body and calm you spirit.


Designed to Treat:

  • Pain/Chronic Pain
  • Gynecological and Obstetric Disorders
  • Skin Disorders
  • Respiratory Conditions
  • Neurological Impairment
  • Fertility Issues
  • Fibromyalgia


Initial Visit
$80 - (90) minute consultation & treatment

Follow Up Appointments
$55 - (60) minute treatment

Call Melissa @ 724.366.0401

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the origins of acupuncture?

The theories practiced even in today’s acupuncture clinic were first written in the Nei Jing, a Chinese text over two thousand years old,  This makes Chinese medicine one of the most remarkable recorded bodies of world medicine know to history.  From the theories, principles and descriptions of the points detailed in this work, the development of acupuncture and Chinese herbology expanded into what is now the modern practice of Chinese medicine.  Indeed, the modern practitioner both uses the traditional ways passed down through millennia but may also use treatments of a more modern nature, such as electric stimulation.  

How does acupuncture work?

In Chinese medicine, health is a dynamic balance that is constantly tested by the internal and external conditions of life.  Everything we eat, breath, think and are exposed to can either stabilize or throw off our equilibriums.  This theory is demonstrated in the symbol Taijitu:

Dark and light continuously circulate and give away to one another—part of the one is always present with the other.  The two entities are yin and yang, and their balance in the body is what determines you health.  The imbalance of yin and yang that affect health may occur for multiple reasons:

  • Genetic Predisposition
  • Emotions
  • Diet and Lifestyle
  • External conditions
  • Trauma
  • Chemical Substances

How does Melissa diagnose?

As a patient, your complaint will be thoroughly examined; starting with an inquiry to find out with caused the complaint among the reasons listed.  The questions may seem exhaustive and unrelated to your complaint, but the goal is for her to have a clear picture of the health of all the organ systems of your body.  She will use the ancient diagnostic tools of pulse and tongue examination to help us make the correct pattern diagnosis use to properly treat you.  

What is a typical treatment like?

Very fine gauge needles (about the thickness of a strand of hair) are inserted into the body and left for 15-20 minutes.  You will be left to relax, but she will check in on you about half way through your treatment.  With some conditions, she may stay in the room and perform some adjunctive treatments such as moxa, massage or cupping.  She also may give you dietary, lifestyle or herbal recommendations.  

Does acupuncture hurt?

The actual insertion of the needle does not feel like much of anything, but when a needle hits its intended spot deep in the tissue, it can causes some pain, even a sensation resembling a cramp or an electric shock. Bony areas such as the knees and the spine area tend to be more painful than soft ones.  Moving the area while the needles are inserted may also lead to pain, so it is best to stay still. The removal of the needles is usually painless.  Acupuncture does not normally cause any bleeding, but sometimes there may be a little bleeding under the skin, causing a bruise that usually disappears in a day or two. Sometimes the needles leave small marks resembling mosquito bites.

How many acupuncture treatments do I need?

As a general rule, the longer you’ve been experiencing the condition, the longer you may be in treatment. By the fourth treatment, you should certainly feel results.  Each patient is as unique as their treatment, and responses to the treatments can vary accordingly.